faith, jenna, lifejenna guizar

Let's Stop Having All the Answers

faith, jenna, lifejenna guizar
Let's Stop Having All the Answers

I think, sometimes, it's okay not to have all the answers.

I think it's okay to feel and just do that --- feel

I think it's okay to talk about things like grief and pride and suffering and anger and to let yourself feel those, to let yourself wrestle with those, to say those words out loud and reiterate: I feel these things.

I think it's okay to want to be better and to not really know the steps to get there.

I think it's okay to acknowledge your thoughts and your feelings in a way that you hadn't ever been comfortable with before.

I think it's okay to know that you have a God fighting for you.

Remind yourself that He made you human. He made you free to feel, free to fall, free to choose, free to live, free to dive head first into mercy and let the immersion carry you away.

I think it's okay to not have all the answers. And sometimes I want to let those questions and those musings get out of me onto a keyboard, onto paper, onto something just to let. them. out.

I think that's okay.

Try it for yourself, one day. Let yourself go.

Let yourself feel the things that you've been scared to feel. Don't worry, He's got you. He is not going to let you go. But you can still feel.

Release your tightly wound self. Stop telling yourself you have to be perfect or excellent or above ground. Let yourself fall into the arms of the Father. 

He will not let us go.

I think it's okay, to feel. So, today, let's feel something. 

And at the end of the day, know that you are held by your Creator. He knows you, before you even know yourself.

Stop trying to have all the answers. Stop trying to do all the right things.

He's got you.

He's got you.

He's got you.

In between tweeting, reading books to my daughters, and [not] burning mac n cheese, I am the Founder + Creative Director of Blessed is She women's ministry + community.