I'm Jenna, and I believe every woman should be who she was meant to be and set the world ablaze with her fierce love of the God of the universe.
I am the Founder + Creative Director of Blessed is She Women's ministry + community.
I am a lover of my Jesus, my sweet fam, coffee, and community.
“Vulnerability happens when you’re brave and start first. ”
My vocation
I used to shy away from my vocation of wife and mother, but I’ve decided to [finally] embrace the life God has for me — because it’s good, it’s holy, and it’s my pathway to heaven.
These are the people I get to tell Jesus about, all day, every day. And it is an honor and a gift to share the Gospel with my family.
No matter where you’re at in your vocational walk, please be assured of this: God has a mighty plan for you, right where you are. Even if you feel ill-equipped, even if you feel unsure, even if you feel afraid, He is with you.
And He’s not going anywhere.
Blessed is she
I am the founder of Blessed is She, which has a two-fold mission: prayer + community. We send out daily devotions to your inbox every day for you to begin your day in prayer, and we help walk you through finding community, no matter where you are. I believe personal holiness as well as holy friendships and families will change the world.
You don’t have to know all of the answers to the mysteries of the Catholic Church to be involved in Blessed is She. You don’t have to have all of the answers. You are right where you’re meant to be — pursuing God’s heart.