Tell the People

It's crazy how normal life, the humdrum ins and outs of everyday life can feel anything but exciting.
I see some friends going on vacation, getting exciting promotions, going on mission trips, embracing motherhood, getting married, etc. I see friends doing fun activities while I'm in a phase in life where it all seems kind of... boring.
I love adventure. And I love intrigue and mystery and excitement. Those things I love are now at odds with what my life actually looks like right now.
And yet, I know I have a mission. I know I've been given some important task and that that task is literally just for me. The task I've been given by our Creator is not for my good friends. My mission is not even for ME five years ago or five years from now.
The task and the mission He has put in my life at this very moment in time is just thatβMINE for just THIS moment in time.
And I have a responsibility to complete it, to run my race, to keep my eyes on my own paper and mission.
It is right and it is just to give back to the Lord what He has given to me and what He asks of me.
And even if the mission doesn't seem big enough for my giant, adventurous heart, I rest in His Word from Acts chapter 5:
Tell the people everything about this life.
Sure, I'm not in jail like the apostles were, with an Angel swooping in to save me. Nope, that's not my reality, and I'm guessing it's not yours either.
BUT. You and I are given a job to do. Even if it feels small or unworthy of telling.
There is someone to tell. And there is something to share from your life, your mission, your call.
Is it sharing with your friend about your prayer life and something the Lord is pressing on your heart? Is it telling your coworkers how Mass was for you today, even though none of them go? Is it teaching your kids how to ask the Holy Spirit to stir up their hearts? Is it asking your husband to pray with you, even though he may say no? Is it giving thanks to God out loud for the blessing before you, even if no one else does?
Even if our life seems small or insignificant or not large scale like those apostles, we must go.
And we must tell the people everything about this life, even if it feels boring or humdrum or not worthy of telling.
Tell them about this one beautiful, glorious, magnificent, mysterious life we've been given.
With this in mind, I realize the humdrum, everyday life IS the incredible adventure.
Tell the people. Tell them everything. Tell them about a God who loves and loves and doesn't stop loving. Tell them about a God who rose from the dead. Tell them about a relentless Father who pours out grace upon grace, perfect love when we are afraid, goodness even when we feel unworthy.
Tell the people everything about this [adventurous] life.

In between tweeting, reading books to my daughters, and [not] burning mac n cheese, I am the Founder + Creative Director of Blessed is She women's ministry + community.